La Rejoya

La Rejoya waterfall trekking in Puerto Plata is one of the top three eco adventures in the Dominican Republic`s North Coast. Hidden deep within a forest, this amazing trek awakens the best of our senses; the journey started by car to the Camu river at Juan de Nina, just past the bridge over that river before Tubagua.

We drove for about 100 meters, then walked the first leg to the trail for about 10 minutes along the majestic Camu river shore. The initial walk is a bit steep (to us who are not in top shape) but it gets better along the way.

The Camu River

The tour to La Rejoya has several river crossings, which is the winding Camu river. Along its path we walked on dry riverbed, mostly polished, white rocks resembling dinosaur eggs. This river begins as far as El Gallo Community, reaching Juan de Nina, Montellano, Camu, El Mango and finally Cangrejo. This river starts at coordinates 19°41’59.7″N 70°41’41.7″W and ends at 19°45’17.0″N 70°35’20.2″W which can be referenced at the Dominican EPA website ( Ministerio de medio ambiente).

The landscape around the river is all green, so our trail was always protected from the hot Caribbean sun. The hike can be treacherous, I totally advise against hiking alone because getting lost here is easy; we`d never have found La Rejoya on our own even using a map because once inside, mobile signal is lost and there are no signs showing the right way. The camu river ends and we have to hike to find the Rejoya creek, then follow its path to the waterfall inside a canyon.

Photo Gallery: La Rejoya

What To Bring to La Rejoya:

Hiking at La Rejoya will get your feet wet on several river crossings, we suggest visitors wear sneakers instead of sandals, because it takes walking over rocks, sand, mud, wet areas and the feet must stay protected. We were warned of mosquitoes, though we don`t think there were too many. It is a good idea  that visitors bring mosquito repellent (specially foreigners).

Since the trails were shaded most of the way, a hat will be useful only to those who really need it. There is no store or homes nearby, it is advised to bring water bottles and some snacks (do not, by any means leave trash behind). One main reason this place is only accessible by a tour operator (not open to the casual walker) is to avoid the human garbage factor. A backpack here is a blessing, be sure to bring one.

On Video:

Along the Camu River

The best part of the trek is the various stops forming natural pools along the path of the Camu river. We could say the 1.5 hrs trek can be split in 4 legs, each about 20 minutes. Those stops will make the trek easier for people who prefer to stop and rest, and the scenery is magnificent at every stop. Please beware, the main pool under the tall waterfall is several meters deep, do not jump unless you can swim. The local community would prefer not to have massive groups entering the water, because this river is their source of water.

How to Book:

We booked out trip to La Rejoya via the concierge at Tubagua Ecolodge. The contact number is +1 (809) 413-9058 for small groups at a time. Together with the Charco de los Militares and the Damajagua 27 Falls, this tour is considered a must try for ecotourism lovers.

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