Caribbean Cigar Night

Caribbean Cigar Night is the quintessential event for the discerning cigar connoisseur, hosted every year in Playa Dorada, Puerto Plata. A select group of participants get the opportunity to mingle with like-minded individuals who truly appreciate the finest puros among great music, art, gastronomy and wines, all for a non-profit cause.

Each participant receives a gift pack with a selection from the event sponsors. The Dominican Republic, and specially El Cibao region have a longstanding history of producing some of the finest cigars in the world. This epicurean evening offers fine dining, live music and cigar tasting from prestigious local and international brands.

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In its 2018 edition there were performances from visual artists Adolfo Faringhton, Juan Ventura, Vitico Cabrera and Olando Menicucci, which works were auctioned for the selected non profit institution. This event always gets support from Playa Dorada resorts such as VH Atmosphere, Emotions by Hodelpa, Blue Bay, Sunscape, Blue Jacktar and Puerto Plata Village. ThoseĀ  beach resorts are listed in this Puerto Plata Travel Guide.

Also cigar producing top names such as Arturo Fuente, Davidoff, La Aurora, General Cigar, De Los Reyes Cigars, Garcia Tabacalera, Quesada Cigars, La Flor Dominicana, and several others from the beverage, banking and automotive industry such as Brugal & Cia, Banreservas and Auto Solutions. The 2019 edition was held at the elegant Tee Off Restaurant and cigar lounge, located in Playa Dorada`s Golf Course.

playa dorada golf restaurant
The Tee Off Restaurant inside Playa Dorada Golf Course.

The 2020 edition is set for March 20, 2020; follow us on Facebook for updates and visit our menu for lodging options and more information on the Puerto Plata North region. This travel guide is being updated every week with the latest on events, tours, restaurants, entertainment and lifestyle for those visiting the Dominican Republic`s North Coast.

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